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4 Great Reasons to Use All-in-One Software for MSPs

As managed services providers (MSPs) grow, they usually require access to additional tools and capabilities that allow them to expand the scope and scale of the services they offer. Many MSPs choose to do this by purchasing and integrating a variety of additional tools into their toolkit. While this may not pose a problem initially, MSPs may find themselves overwhelmed by the number of tools they have to maintain, keep secure, and train new staff members to use. In short, managing an increasing number of tools becomes more resource-intensive as organizations scale up.

By choosing all-in-one software, you can reduce unnecessary resource wastage, minimize training requirements, consolidate control, and optimize working practices. These benefits are explained in greater detail in this guide, which outlines four key benefits of using all-in-one software.

Four great reasons to use all-in-one software for MSPs

  1.  Cost-efficiency  

This one may seem obvious, but all-in-one tools are generally cheaper than purchasing multiple tools to serve the same purpose. Comprehensive all-in-one software likely includes a combination of security, management, monitoring, support, and maintenance capabilities.

To achieve the same range and extent of capabilities without an all-in-one solution, MSPs would need to adopt multiple tools. While this may seem logical as you acquire tools one by one, it can quickly become overly expensive. Vendors can produce and deliver all-in-one at a much higher level of proportional value than a suite of several tools. This is because the ongoing costs associated with delivering all-in-one software for MSPs are likely to be lower than the costs associated with delivering multiple individual tools that combine to serve a similar purpose.

  1.  Consolidation of control  

This is one of the most notable, but often overlooked benefits of adopting an all-in-one solution. All-in-one software provides added value by consolidating control into one tool and thus significantly reducing the amount of time required to manage software.

To elaborate, even the best tools on the market require some level of control and supervision to ensure they are secure, up-to-date, and functioning correctly. This will likely require you to take the time to understand each tool’s full scope of capabilities and settings. You may also need to update settings as your business grows and changes. On top of that, you’ll need to be mindful of altering permissions where appropriate, such as when staff members leave your organization or change roles. Continuously repeating such tasks across a wide range of tools can turn into a full-time job in and of itself.

Put simply, when an organization uses multiple tools as an alternative to an all-in-one solution, the workload increases dramatically. Instead of managing and monitoring the settings for one tool, you’ll need to manage and monitor the settings for every tool in your toolkit. In addition to creating more work, this increases the likelihood of human error or the chance that key settings and milestones might get overlooked. With all-in-one software, you’re able to consolidate control and minimize the amount of time spent managing and monitoring your solutions. 

  1. Ease of use

Ease of use is a huge advantage of using an all-in-one solution. Even tools known for their user-friendliness likely have a slight learning curve while users familiarize themselves with where everything is, how to make the most of the tool, and how to perform certain tasks. When you use an all-in-one solution, you only have to learn the navigation and interface layout once. All-in-one software is also easier to use because you don’t have to jump between multiple tools to perform different activities. 

  1. Streamlined management and training

This benefit is connected to both the ease of use and the amount of time MSPs can save themselves by using an all-in-one solution. When a company uses multiple tools instead of an all-in-one tool, training their technicians in how to use all these various tools can be challenging and time-consuming. The more information to disseminate, the longer it will take—and the more regularly you’ll need to conduct training top-up sessions. With an all-in-one tool, your team only needs to learn and keep up to date with the basics of one solution.

 All-in-one tools vs. alternative solutions

 If you’re considering adopting an all-in-one solution, N-able® Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) and N-able N-central® are two great options. Both tools deliver an extensive range of capabilities via one consolidated, user-friendly interface. Each tool is best suited for a specific kind of MSP—N-central was designed to help MSPs scale quickly through automation and by offering customized solutions to diverse customers. RMM works best for MSPs who need a solution that will allow them to hit the ground running and grow from there. Despite these differences, both solutions are cloud-based tools designed to offer the capabilities of a robust toolkit.

As all-in-one solutions, N-able RMM and N-able N-central both include features like:

By including a wide range of fundamental capabilities into an accessible single solution, these all-in-one software options make it possible for you to better serve your customers with ease. These platforms can also be fully integrated with other N-able tools, which makes managing an MSP company even more seamless.

 Choosing the right MSP tools

Both N-able RMM and N-central are sophisticated and user-friendly all-in-one tools. They give MSPs the opportunity to streamline their software management and monitoring practices, increase operational efficiency, and reduce costs. If your current solution relies on multiple tools and you’d like to see if an all-in-one solution is right for you, you can access a 30-day trial of RMM here or a 30-day trial of N-central here.