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The Most Effective SQL Server Activity Monitor Strategy

The most common databases used today are relational databases, where data is stored in interconnected tables. You query those tables using Standard Query Language (SQL). To get the most value of the SQL databases you use as a developer, system administrator, or database administrator, it’s vital that you have visibility into what’s going on. That way you can take a deep dive under the hood and routinely check and monitor the database activity.

What is a SQL Server Activity Monitor?

Sometimes databases don’t perform optimally in a standard, out-of-the-box configuration. If you have lots of tables and millions of rows, some queries might become slow, the database may be unresponsive, new rows might not be added, and so forth. To routinely monitor your database, analyze bottlenecks, and receive alerts about anomalies, you need SolarWinds® SQL Server Activity Monitor. This tool is used across the board, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, by back-end developers and software architects to database administrators. They use it to monitor databases that reside both on premises and in the cloud.

Real-Time Insights

Bottleneck Analysis

When a problem occurs, it’s vital that you understand in real time what’s causing it and why. For example, if your database suddenly becomes unresponsive, you’ll need to know what happened. Is the machine that the database is running on out of memory? Perhaps the CPU load is too high. Maybe disk usage is at 100 percent. Since on-premises databases are often hosted on non-isolated virtual machines, other applications and operating systems running on the same hypervisor can cause service disruptions and outages. Even if you use an automatically scaled cloud database, parameters such as the network I/O rate and RAM that are not easily scalable in the cloud can cause a database outage.

Query Optimization

One of the classic use cases of a SQL monitor is query optimization. If your application is unresponsive or slow, a slow query operation might be the reason. There’s no fixed number that defines a slow query in terms of milliseconds because it can vary depending on the complexity of the query, the size of the database, and the resources available on the server.

Using a SQL Server Activity Monitor to Optimize Queries

A SQL monitor can help you identify slow queries and provide suggestions for optimizing them. For example, it can tell you that you lack indexes for the relevant fields you’re looking for in the query and suggest that you add more. Or it can identify that you lack a primary key in an important table and suggest that you add one. Furthermore, advanced SQL monitors can identify overlapping and redundant indexes that slow the query. If you do have redundant indexes, you can solve two problems at once, both the slow query and the redundant database that requires additional disk storage. Removing the redundant indexes will improve query time and free up disk space for future usage.

Query Steps

Last but not least, a step-by-step analysis of a query can list time-consuming steps that you don’t need and that you can therefore remove.

Finding the Problematic Query

If you aren’t sure which query is causing the problem, you can use an advanced SQL monitor to search for all the queries executed within a certain timeframe for a selected application. Not only will this provide you with a list of queries, but it will also include the wait times and execution times. As a result, pinpointing the problematic query will be much easier.


Unified View

An advanced SQL monitor will allow you to view all your databases from a single dashboard. If you have tens of databases powering separate applications by different vendors, keeping track of what’s going on can be very difficult. Separately managing MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, and other databases with their distinct properties requires a huge amount of overhead. A unified dashboard can make the life of every database administrator, developer, and system administrator much easier. You can group all databases in one place regardless of vendor, application, or usage level.

Ranking Top Offenders

A list of all the slow queries you can improve is extremely valuable even if those queries are not currently impacting your application. Because that can always change in the future, it’s essential to review the list regularly and optimize the slowest offenders, starting with the ones you use most.

Performance Over Time

A robust reporting system lets you see how your database performs over time. You can use it to identify usage peaks (Cyber Monday, weekends, and so forth) and plan for them accordingly by, for example, adding additional resources to your existing CPU and RAM.


Detecting anomalies in real-time and receiving alerts is vital to keeping your database and application running. An advanced SQL monitor automatically identifies abnormal patterns (such as low CPU and RAM) and sends alerts when it detects them. You can therefore take action as soon as possible and avoid a system outage. Alerts can be sent via email, Slack, SMS, or any direct messaging app.

Configurable Alerts

You can configure which users will receive each kind of alert. For example, you can decide that everyone will receive a notification about a critical alert while only system administrators receive alerts about medium-severity scenarios. Reducing the number of alert recipients is important to stave off “alert fatigue” before it even sets in. If users get too many alerts of the same kind on a routine basis, they’ll eventually start to ignore them. And an ignored alert is worse than no alert at all since it makes it harder to notice important alerts that demand immediate action.

SQL Server Activity Monitor Conclusion

An SQL server monitor is essential for every organization wishing to optimize its database performance, reduce downtime, and increase customer satisfaction. It will allow you to identify and optimize problematic queries, see a unified view of all your SQL databases, monitor them routinely, and see a ranked list of problematic queries and general data about your database health. Last but not least, it will provide you with automatic alerts every time an anomaly is detected.

This post was written by Alexander Fridman. Alexander is a veteran in the software industry with over 11 years of experience. He worked his way up the corporate ladder and has held the positions of Senior Software Developer, Team Leader, Software Architect, and CTO. Alexander is experienced in frontend development and DevOps, but he specializes in backend development.