
How to Boost Your APM Solution With Log Management

While everyone knows application monitoring is an essential part of running awesome software services, understanding whether you need application performance management (APM) or log management isn’t so straightforward. Both techniques involve collecting data that describe your application’s behavior, and both help you analyze that data. Despite the similarities between APM and log management, they serve … Read more How to Boost Your APM Solution With Log Management

Cloud Monitoring Basics: Page Speed, App Performance, Log Analysis

Monitoring user-facing software has always been important, no doubt about it. But with the unrelenting migration of software to the cloud, and the adoption of microservices and serverless architectures such as Function as a Service (FaaS), monitoring is now business-critical. These new ways of building modern software involve many moving parts, and developers need to … Read more Cloud Monitoring Basics: Page Speed, App Performance, Log Analysis

Edge Computing Is Changing DNS

Edge computing is the new black, and it comes in flavors. One of these flavors is the geo-proximate model, where workloads live in regional data centers, telco COs, or even in micro-data centers at the base of cell phone towers. Geo-proximate edge computing is heavily reliant on GeoDNS and other modern DNS tools.

Must-know Tips and Tools for Oracle Virtualization

These days, even business-critical applications are being virtualized, and with the increasing costs and complexity of data environments, it’s not surprising. Some estimate that large organizations are as much as 70% virtualized already, with no plans to go back to physical servers. Virtualization, however, introduces new challenges for the Oracle DBA, including getting visibility to … Read more Must-know Tips and Tools for Oracle Virtualization

Choosing Metrics that Matter (Beyond CPU/Disk/Network)

Imagine for a moment that you have suddenly been promoted from regular old developer to senior architect, and tasked with overseeing the telemetry efforts for all of the engineering teams at your organization. I recently had a conversation at DevOps Days Toronto with someone who was living through exactly that experience. He’d just been put in … Read more Choosing Metrics that Matter (Beyond CPU/Disk/Network)

Virtualization Monitoring Management Guide

Virtualization management requires mastering a specific set of skills. But once mastered, these essential skills can lead to a long and meaningful career in IT. IT pros need a foundation in technologies. To extend utility to their organizations, they should further develop three essential skills – monitoring, troubleshooting, and reporting. Think back to your first responsibilities as an … Read more Virtualization Monitoring Management Guide