Tool Reviews

7 Best Access Rights Management Tools

Access management, sometimes referred to as identity and access management, is the umbrella term for the processes involved in certifying your team members have appropriate access to IT resources. This includes preventing unauthorized personnel from accessing certain resources and information. Access rights management is of critical importance to the security, efficiency, and regulatory compliance of … Read more 7 Best Access Rights Management Tools

6 Best Microsoft WSUS Alternative Patch Management Tools

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), a component of the Windows Server operating system, is a free tool that scans your operating system and Windows software and determines whether anything needs to be updated or patched. Though useful, it’s limited in its functionality—not least because it applies only to products from Microsoft. When you’re trying to … Read more 6 Best Microsoft WSUS Alternative Patch Management Tools

7 Best Intrusion Detection Software and Latest IDS Systems

Safeguarding the security of your IT infrastructure is no easy task. There are so many components to protect, and no firewall is entirely foolproof. Cyberattacks are constantly evolving, with the express intention of breaching your defenses and compromising your systems, and more come to light every day. Keeping pace with these developments requires your security … Read more 7 Best Intrusion Detection Software and Latest IDS Systems

Best Server Hardware Monitoring Software

If you manage lots of servers or work in an IT environment for a large enterprise, having high-quality and comprehensive server hardware monitoring software is a must. Hardware monitoring software provides tools to help you ensure your devices don’t overheat, malfunction, or shut down. Usually, monitoring software will keep tabs on your CPU, memory, hard … Read more Best Server Hardware Monitoring Software

Best Azure Monitoring Tools for Hybrid Management

Large companies are increasingly shifting toward the use of cloud computing, which means services like Microsoft Azure are becoming more popular. This shift is still in its early stages, with many enterprises currently in the process of shifting their workloads to public cloud vendors. Azure services are extensive and can provide a wide range of … Read more Best Azure Monitoring Tools for Hybrid Management

7 Best DNS Monitoring Tools + How to Monitor DNS Server

DNS is one of the most crucial internet services. It’s the communicator and concierge of online experiences. Everything, from the web content you browse and the email and chat services you use to social platforms like Facebook and Instagram, depends on DNS functioning on a round-the-clock basis. Given its importance, it’s no surprise this fundamental … Read more 7 Best DNS Monitoring Tools + How to Monitor DNS Server

What Is RAT? Best Remote Access Trojan Detect Tools

Remote access technology is an incredibly useful tool, enabling IT support staff to quickly access and control workstations and devices across vast physical distances. When deployed effectively, the technology has the potential to maximize the efficiency of IT departments and provide rapid, responsive support for an organization’s end users. However, like any other networked connection, … Read more What Is RAT? Best Remote Access Trojan Detect Tools